Lampshade Ladies
Los Angeles’ premier walkabout characters
Lampshade Ladies
If you want to turn your event into an extraordinary work of art, our living decor is just what you need. Our walkabout lampshade ladies are a sight to behold - with fully functional lamp shades and light fixtures on their heads, they are a unique and captivating addition to any event.
But these ladies are more than just decor - they are fully costumed and blend seamlessly with your theme and decor. In fact, they are so realistic that most people think they are mannequins until they come to life and add an element of surprise and wonder to the event.
Our lampshade ladies have been featured at variuos high profile events over the years inlcuding Tana Mongeau’s 21st birthday as seen on the Youtube series “Tana Turns 21” and Raspoutine Club Los Angeles, home to the most unique entertainment and sought after dj’s.
Having walkabout characters at your event is an excellent way to add excitement and engage your guests. These living decor pieces are more than just a backdrop - they bring the event to life and make it truly memorable.
Experience The Magic
Click a video below to see this act in action